Introducing the Duke’s Mayo Combine!
Duke's will be hosting its inaugural Mayo Combine on December 27, 2023, in Charlotte, NC, prior to the Duke’s Mayo Bowl. The two (2) winners of the Mayo Combine will become the Official 2023 Duke’s Mayo Bowl Mayo Dumpers . As an Official Mayo Dumper, you will dump a cooler full of 4.5 gallons of Duke's Mayo onto someone's (hopefully the winning coach) head after the game.
Starting Monday, November 6, Duke’s will post five (5) weekly challenges on their socials and will award prizes to the best entries each week, ultimately selecting five (5) finalists to attend the Mayo Combine and compete for the chance to become the Official Duke’s Mayo Bowl Mayo Dumpers.
To enter, fans will post a video response to weekly challenges to Instagram, X, or TikTok using the hashtag #MayoCombine.
Check out the FAQs (frequently asked questions) below.
What’s a Mayo Combine?
Good question! The inaugural Duke’s Mayo Combine is a 2-hour event where the five (5) weekly challenge winners turned combine participants will compete in five (5) physically and mentally fun drills in front of a handful of judges. The two winners will be selected as the Official Duke’s Mayo Bowl Mayo Dumpers.
How do I enter to take part in the Duke’s Mayo Combine?
Duke’s Mayo will post weekly challenges every Monday (starting November 6) at 10 AM EST to social media. To enter, post a video to your social media using the hashtag #MayoCombine and tagging Duke’s Mayo. Your account must be public for Duke’s to see the entry. The post must appear in your feed. Videos that appear in Instagram Stories (which disappear after 24 hours) can count as extra entries, but the submission video must be posted to your feed to win.
How many times will I be able to enter to take part in the Duke’s Mayo Combine?
You can enter as many times as you want. We’ll post five weekly challenges over a five-week period. Post videos for one challenge, or all five to increase your chances of being chosen! You can also post multiple videos for each weekly challenge.
What’s in it for me?
Winners and runner ups will be chosen each week – and win weekly prizes, ranging from custom Jordan’s to Duke’s cornhole boards. The 5 finalists will go to Charlotte, NC to participate in the Duke’s Mayo Combine on December 27th.
What are the weekly prizes?
Week 1 - Yellow Yeti cooler w/ Duke’s Mayo swag & customization
Week 2 - Custom Duke’s Mayo cornhole boards with bags
Week 3 - Black and yellow Jordan’s w/ customization
Week 4 - Custom Duke’s Mayo Bean Bag
Week 5 - Custom Duke’s duffel bag w/ Duke’s Mayo Merch
How will I know if I’m the winner of the weekly challenge/chosen to take part in the 2023 Duke’s Mayo Combine?
Duke’s will message you on the social media platform where you post your video to get your name and mailing information to ship your prize and alert you on whether you are the week’s winner, or a runner up! Winners will be contacted the following TUESDAY after the weekly challenge is posted. Winners will have 48 hours to respond. If you do not respond in that time, Duke’s will choose another winner.
What day is the Mayo Combine?
The Duke’s Mayo Combine will take place from 11 AM EST to 1 PM EST in Charlotte, North Carolina on December 27 at Providence Day School.
The Duke’s Mayo Bowl will be played later that day at Bank of America Stadium. Kickoff is at 5:30 PM EST.
What happens if I’m selected to attend the Mayo Combine?
The five (5) weekly sweepstakes winners will be given (2) tickets to the Duke’s Mayo Bowl and (1) hotel room on the night of December 27, 2023. A $150 food and travel stipend in the form of a VISA gift card will be provided.
What happens if I’m selected to attend the Mayo Combine but cannot attend?
We’ll miss you, but we understand it’s a busy time of year. You will still receive the weekly prize, but the runner up will get the invite to attend Mayo Combine.
What happens if I win the Mayo Combine?
The two Mayo Combine participants that perform the best will become our official 2023 Duke’s Mayo Bowl Mayo Dumpers (Yes. You will get to dump gallons of Duke’s Mayo on someone’s head. You’ve trained. You’ve earned it). You and a guest will receive two (2) suite-level tickets and a VIP on-field experience at the game. You and your guest can sit in the Twang Throne (it’s a huge couch in the shape of a Duke’s Mayo jar… yes. It’s a-mayo-zing), which is on-field at the game.